LPS and the Colorado Legislature

Littleton Public Schools takes an active part in helping to form education legislation by participating in the legislative process at the State Capitol. LPS representatives, along with LPS lobbyists, work on behalf of education and Colorado's children.

The LPS District Accountability Legislative Sub-Committee also takes an active role by meeting with legislators who represent the Littleton community at the start of each session in an effort to keep issues specific to LPS and education in general in the forefront.

Legislators who represent the LPS community are:

Click here to Find Your Legislator

You can find additional information on the Colorado General Assembly's website.

Additionally, click the following links for the websites and contact info of the House Education Committee and the Senate Education Committee.

The Colorado General Assembly convenes from January until May, 120 legislative days enacted by amendment in 1988. There are 100 elected members serving, 35 senators, and 65 representatives. For further information on the legislative process and how you can take part, go to the Colorado General Assembly's website.

Legislative Priorities Information Card

For more information, visit Education News' website.

District Legislative Subcommittee

Within the District Accountability Committee (DAC) is a subcommittee called the DAC Legislative Subcommittee that participates in the legislative process. The committee's role is to organize and plan an annual meeting with Littleton Public Schools House Representatives and Senators to discuss issues specific to LPS and education issues for Colorado students in general. The meeting is held at the State Capitol in March or early April, generally after the state's budget has been proposed. A representative from the District Accountability Committee is selected to chair the subcommittee. For more information, contact the current chair of the DAC through the link above.